Get Decked out this Summer and Welcome the Great Outdoors into your house!

Summer time is here again!! How do you want to remember this awesome season? All cooped up in the house because your deck is all rotten or just not comfortable because it holds too much heat? Or how about the most refreshing summer EVER!! By either repairing, refreshing, or even creating an all new deck or balcony, you can experience summer the way it is supposed to be enjoyed – Outdoors! Being able to enjoy the outdoors everyday at home will help to relax and refresh you. Watching birds or squirrels, breathing fresh air, and experiencing the smells of a coming afternoon storm or freshly cut grass can be very revitalizing. A deck is the natural place for a family to gather for grilling, eating and relaxing, and even playing, not to mention getting the kids out of the house and getting real exercise for a more healthy lifestyle. So why don’t you use the deck you have? Is your deck too small?, too hot?, too rotten? Well here are some quick fixes and other suggestions to help you fix your deck so that you can begin to enjoy the summer again.

An unsightly deck is not the ideal place to invite friends and family out to enjoy the evening as the day starts to cool off, so usually we just forgo the idea and stay inside. However, if your deck is structurally sound and it just need to be refreshed, all you need is a good power wash cleaning and a new sealing stain and you are back in business! If on the other hand the boards are rotting away or your deck is just not very functional you have several choices you can make that will allow the wonders of a well designed deck/balcony to transform the way you feel about your outdoor living space called the back yard. Simply repairing worn out or rotted boards is not much more work than just cleaning and staining, even if you need some help to repair it, the work is usually quick and easy on the wallet.

If, however, you are wanting to be more adventurous, there are many things to consider about your new deck. Type of material to use, size and shape of course, color, shade possibilities, light, and cooling possibilities as well are all going to be things you want to consider. Most people today want be able to enjoy their outdoor living space without the hassle of all the maintenance that goes along with it. There are several options with composite, recycled materials that allow you to build an eco-friendly structure that will last longer, be maintenance free, and not need to be stained and sealed. If however that look is not what you are after, there are eco-friendly products like FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified wood, brick, stone, and tile that work as well. These products last longer and require less maintenance than traditional wood decks. Just try and stay away from tropically harvested woods like Ipe if you are concerned about the environment.

Once you know the type of material you are using the rest will typically fall into place. The biggest issue then becomes how to provide shade. An arbor trellis allows for shade and a place for vines to grow for additional sun protection, as well as a place for lights, fans, or even misters. But again, if you are wanting less maintenance and a more earth friendly solution you can always go for natural shade by using plants, shrubs, and trees. Use LED lighting, with motion sensors and/or timers for energy savings. You can pretty much stain or paint your deck any color you like, but a subtle more natural color always looks best. The darker colors hold up better over time and again, if you desire, there are plenty of eco-friendly stain options that, although they may cost about double a regular product, they do not effect the cost of the overall project by much at all; so don’t hesitate to use them.

So, now that you know that enjoying the outdoors during the summer can be very enjoyable with the right deck, all you need is to decide on the lay out and where to put your grill. The time it takes to build a deck is minimal, so as soon as you decide, we can get it built with plenty of time left to enjoy the summer in the great outdoors without having to go on vacation to do it!

Please feel free to call me any time about any question you have with this tip or anything else on your mind at 512.413.9281.

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