Let’s change our bulbs!!

Save energy and time by changing out your incandescent light bulb with compact fluorescents.  By just changing out the burnt out incandescent bulbs (ib) in your house as they go out, to energy saving compact fluorescent bulbs (cfb), you will start a process of saving time, money and resources. You can, of course, change out all your bulbs at once if you are ready to make the change. However, since that would be an investment of money that many people may not be ready to make, you can begin by changing out only the lights that are currently out. As others go out you can even move some around so you don’t start “mixing” different types of bulbs in the same area that might end up looking awkward. Move bulbs that are not burned out yet to ones that are burned out, then replace the ones you moved with the new energy efficient ones.

You will save time just by using a product that lasts much longer than standard bulbs. One cfb is the equivalent of NINE regular bulbs!! You will not have to replace them as often, therefore not spending the time thinking about “that bulb is out again!”, not having to go shopping for it, then not having to get on that ladder to constantly replace it will save valuable time that you can use to do more productive things around your house!

 The money you save will not just come from not buying as many light bulbs, but in the amount of electricity that they use. A compact fluorescent bulb using 19.5 watts of energy is comparable to the standard 75 watt incandescent bulb. That is a 74% savings – per light!! If you have just 20 cfbs in your house and use them just 3 hours each day, at the rate of $0.12/Kwh you would save $150 in ONE year alone!! Obviously the more you have the more you save!

Compact fluorescent bulbs can make a big difference in saving our natural resources. If everyone started using these bulbs in all of our lights, the savings would not be limited to our electric bills and home improvement store bills. The effect on the environment would not only be felt in the reduced demand on our power plants, but also in fewer resources, including oil, gas, and coal, required for the production of our light sources as well as the decreased amount of material put into our landfills!!

Taking into account today’s economy, it is difficult to pay an extra $3 dollars for a light bulb, but taking into account what it means if we don’t – well it may not end the world, but it could at least help if we start to do our share.  There are even different types of color, brightness, and shapes that each bulb can provide. You can select bulbs that give off a soft warm glow, a more “natural” light, or even a bright “bluish” light for task lighting. You still have your options for amount of light through varying the wattage, and you can even use them in decorative applications, just take the time to find the bulb that is right for you and you will not be disappointed! This is a quick and easy step you can take to not only help your pocketbook, but the environment too, so let’s chip in and start changing our BULBS!!

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