‘Tis the season to change our batteries !!

The Christmas season is a great time for festivities. It is also a time when danger levels for house fires increase. Overloaded electric outlets, dried out trees, decorations, additional food preparation, and using the fireplace or space heaters are just a few of the added dangers that are not typically operations within our households. So, to be extra safe make sure that you change out your smoke detector batteries every year about this time so you know that if something does go awry, that at least you will be alerted to allow you and your loved ones to be able to get to safety! No one hopes for a disaster, but smoke detectors save lives, and they won’t work without their batteries – even if you have them hard-wired to the electricity, the power often goes out in a fire and the battery is what keeps them working.

So, be safe while enjoying the holiday season, and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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